Backoffice Products

Release Notes - v5 BETA


**Test Drive begins on Friday, Mar 14 th, 2019**

Rollout scheduled for the week of Mar 29 th.

1. BETA v5 Environment Information: 


apikey:<<Send  request to>> 

x-api-key:<<Send  request to>> 


Artifacts     NameArtifacts
Postman Collection and Environment
JSON Schema

2. CRs in Beta-v4 Endpoints:

  • Modified existing endpoints.
  1. The Series & Episode's CreditsList - TalentID changed from Integer to String -  (disruptive)
  2. Added new array field LogicalAssetIDList in policy endpoints.  
  3. Added new search parameter logicalassetid  in policy  search endpoint.
  4. Policy's Rules array name changed to Permission -   (disruptive) 
  5. The entire Policy Rule's model will be changed -   (disruptive) 
    • The Policy Role endpoints are renamed from /policy/{policy-uid}/rule to  /policy/{policy-uid}/permission  for POST,PUT & DELETE operations.
    • The Policy RoleEntry endpoints are renamed from /policy/{policy-uid}/rule/{rule-id}/entrycontentid  to  /policy/{policy-uid}/permission/{permission-id}/entrycontentid  for POST & DELETE operations.
  6. Added new array field LogicalAssetIDList in funder endpoints.
  7. Added new search parameter logicalassetid  in funder search endpoint

3. New endpoints in Beta-v5: 


  1. Added new logical-assetid registration endpoint for Policy -  /policy/{policy-uid}/logicalassetid
  2. Added new logical-assetid registration endpoint for Policy - Permission -  /policy/{policy-uid}/permission/{permission-uid}/logicalassetid


  1. Added new logical-assetid registration endpoint for Funder-  /funder/{funder-uid}/logicalassetid


4.  Reload latest data from  db19-uat.EMM to Metadatabank - Beta-v5 - DB schema.

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