Backoffice Products

Release Notes - Version 1.0.0 - Feb 22, 2018



  • Content Acquisition
    • Setup sIX channels in BroadView and populate programs for PBS, APT and NETA  including add, remove,and move program functions.
  • Metadata Delivery
    • Phase A Metadata Delivery of 43 metadata fields To Vigor.
    • Population of Standard and One-Time-Only (OTO) Containers with their associated entities.
  • Data Validation
    • Implementation of Data Validation Business Rules and Hourly metadata issue notifications.
    • Daily metadata issue log report that gets sent to distributors at 8 am every day.
  • WorkFlow Orchestration
    • Support for Multiple distributor program types 
      • In Phase A, compilation entities are sent as OTO or Series.
    • Media availability workflows including media exceptions such as delayed, late, expired, and undelivered workflows.
  • File Delivery
    • NETA file delivery workflow by skipping PBS MOC and send NETA files directly to Vigor.
    • File availability detection and transfer files to Vigor from PBS MOC.
  • Notifications (Email)
    • Metadata upload failure notifications when metadata being sent to Vigor.
    • File upload failure notifications when file is being sent to Vigor.
  • Integration testing
    • Testing all the above features so that they work in PBS, Vigor and Myers environments in an integrated way.
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